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Q: What 3 islands form the corners of the Polynesian triangle?
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What is another name for the corners of a triangle?

vertex, or in plural form, vertices.

What is the minority group of polynesian ancestry in new zealand?

Polynesian peoples in New Zealand include the First Nation peoples the Maori, added to in more recent times by immigrants from many Pacific Islands, such as Cook Islands, Tonga, Tokelau, Samoa, and so on. The Maori form the largest of these groups.

When identical magnets are arranged to form a closed triangle with like poles at each corner what will be the magnetic moment?

A triangle cannot be formed with like poles at all three corners (there are only two magnetic poles: N & S).

When were hawaiian tiki masks made?

Hawaiian tiki masks were traditionally created by Polynesian cultures over a thousand years ago. They play a significant role in their religious rituals and cultural practices. Today, tiki masks are still made by artisans in Hawaii and other Polynesian islands as a form of art and cultural expression.

Can three points be noncoplanar?

No, A plane can be drawn through any 3 points. If the 3 points are collinear then they make a line and a plane can contain a line. If the points are noncollinear then they can be used to form the corners of a triangle; all points of a triangle are in the same plane.

What is a real life example of a triangle?

A real life example of a triangle would be the shape of a sail on a sailboat, where three sides meet at corners to form a triangle.

What is the adjective form of noun triangle?

The adjective form of triangle is triangular.

What is the combining form meaning triangle?

The combining form meaning "triangle" is "trigon-" as in trigonometry.

In what state are the Aleutians Islands?

The Aleutians Islands form part of Alaska.

How do hurricanes form on islands?

Hurricanes form over the open ocean not on islands.

What id the plural form of island?

The plural form of island is "islands."

What three angles can form a triangle?

Any three angles that sum to 180 can form a triangle.