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Q: What 3 polygons have only 2 lines or symmetry?
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What polygons have only 2 lines of symmetry?

rhombus, rectangle etc.

What 3 polygons have only 2 lines of symmetry?

rhombus,parralellagram ,rectangle

Polygons with 2 lines of symmetry?


What polygons have exactly 2 lines of symmetry?


What polygons have 2 lines of symmetry?

squares and rectangles

What 3 polygons have 2 lines of symmetry?

Square, rectangle, rhombus

What shapes have 3 lines of symmetry?

Only equilateral triangles and some irregular polygons of (3n) sides have 3 lines of symmetry. A regular polygon with n sides (or vertices) has n lines of symmetry. If n is even, there are n/2 lines of symmetry from vertex to opposite vertex and another n/2 from the middle of a side to the middle of the opposite side. If n is odd, there are n lines of symmetry from vertex to the midpoint of the opposite side.

Has a triangle got 2 lines of symmetry and 2 lines of rotational symmetry?

First of all, your grammar is terrible. The question should be "Does a triangle have 2 lines of symmetry and 2 lines of rotational symmetry? and the answer is no. A triangle can not have 2 lines of rotational symmetry, because you only rotate the image, you do not use any lines.

How many rotational symmetry does a cuboid has?

Oh, dude, a cuboid has infinite rotational symmetry. I mean, like, you can rotate that bad boy any which way and it'll still look the same. So, you can spin it around and around until you get dizzy, and it's still gonna be a cuboid. Cool, right?

How many lines of symmetry does an 8 have?

The number 8 has only 2 lines of symmetry; Vertical and Horizontal.

Is there 2 lines of symmetry or 4 lines of symmetry in a rectangle?

2 lines of symmetry

How many lines of symmetry does a parallelogram have?

Squares, which are parallelograms, have four lines of symmetry. Rectangles have only two. Rhombi have two lines of symmetry. Generic parallelograms don't have any lines of symmetry.None normally unless it is in the shape of a rectangle in which case it will have 2 lines of symmetry