760 is not a prime number, and therefore has many factors: 1, 760 2, 380 4, 190 5, 152 8, 95 10, 76 19, 40 38, 20
The prime factors of 20 are 2x2x5.
The prime numbers of 20 are 2, 2 and 5. (2*2*5 = 20)
2 x 2 x 5 = 20
The numbers are: 80 and -20
5 x 5 20 + 5 30 - 5 125 ÷ 5
These are the prime numbers 1-20 2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19
760 is not a prime number, and therefore has many factors: 1, 760 2, 380 4, 190 5, 152 8, 95 10, 76 19, 40 38, 20
11 multiplied by 20 is 220.
575 multiplied by 20 is 11,500.
Prime factors are prime numbers that are multiplied with other numbers (taht could possibly be prime) to make a product. Prime factorisation is the process of finding the prime numbers that create another number when they are multiplied together. Example of Prime Factorisation: 20 2x10 2x2x5 The prime factors found are 2,2, and 5. When multiplying these together, you will get 20. The process of finding these prime numbers is called factorisation.