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Q: What 3 things do yu think are positive about george?
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What has the author X Yu written?

X. Yu has written: 'Microalloy solute retention in lowcarbonaustenite'

How do you draw odd number up counter?

yu do

How do yu write 2.5 trillion in numbers?


What does rule mean in math terms?

means that yu should b

How do yu write scientific notation for 0.0015?


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NOT AT ALLL its great to think your pretty!! gives yu self confidence which yu need,, and if yu think ur pretty,, just stay humble and don't go braggin about ittt :/ but yesss!! go on && keep thinkn yu beautiful<333

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I think Yu Yu Hakusho is a good anime to watch.

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The first thing that you need to know is that it won't just go away like magic you need to take your time and let it heel itself. The first thing you need to do it: 1. Close your eyes and think of aboslutely nothing at all just clear your mind completely 2. count to ten and then open your eyes 3. think of lots of lovely positive things or things that yu love.

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I DONT KNOW! Why would yu ask such a stupid question?

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Nope he doesn't has a official fb.

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i think that the answer is that yu will that

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AyE BxTcH 1sT Of aLl hE DoNt wAnT Yu yU BuM AsZ LiL GiRl yU GoTLiFe aLl fXcKeD Up iF Yu tHiNk yU FiNnA CoMe aT Me lIkE ThAt!

Will Yu Yu Hakusho be for the Xbox 360?

I don't think so. The franchise is pretty much over.

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