I would think 100 is the answer.
No remainder because the digits of 45549 finally add up to 9
I would think 100 is the answer.
Add the digits. If they sum to '9' , then it will divide by '9' , without a remainder. Hence 4554 ; 4 + 5 + 5 + 4 = 18 = 1 + 8 = 9
I think you're wanting a number of two digits, one of which is 3, that when divided by 7 gives a quotient and a remainder of 1 and when that quotient is divided by 2 it gives a remainder of 1: Answer: 36 36 ÷ 7 = 5 r 1 5 ÷ 2 = 2 r 1 If you want the number to be such that if it is divided by 7 the remainder is 1 and if it is divided by 2 the remainder is 1, then: Answer: 43 43 ÷ 7 = 6 r 1 43 ÷ 2 = 21 r 1
No remainder because the digits of 45549 finally add up to 9
The answer is 1. The smallest prime is 2 and the greatest prime (of however many digits) must be odd. The remainder of ANY odd number when divided by 2 must be 1.
Take the question apart, one step at a time. The remainder, when the number is divided by 5, is 4. That means that the ones digit is either 4 or 9. However, you know that both digits are odd, which means it has to be 9. The sum of the digits is 10, so the tens digit has to be 1. Your number is 19.