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Q: What 5 ways in which a believer can be influential as a city councilman?
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many ways

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A believer in the virtue of nature, spiritual and revolutionary.

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Religious believers pray and prayer gives people hope.

When does a believers baptism happen?

When the believer is convinced through the word of God, and convicted by the Holy Spirit to repent (Changing one's ways), to live by the principles of what Jesus taught in the word, so that the believer can obtain forgiveness of, and release from sin.

What were the negative influences of Robespierre and how did he compare to Darwin. In what ways was Darwin more influential?

he was gay and stop being racist

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They are in both ways. hst?

How was Walter Johnson influential?

There are several ways that Walter Johnson was influential in baseball history. He was one of the first power pitchers of his era. He won 417 games which is the 2nd highest pitcher in history (after Cy Young's 511 winning games)

The author of Ways of Seeing.?

John Berger is the author of "Ways of Seeing," a influential book that explores the ways in which we perceive and interpret visual culture. Berger's work has had a significant impact on the fields of art criticism and visual culture studies.

What are some ways of traveling for city to city?

There are many ways of travelling from city to city. They include travellng in one's car, trains, airplanes, and cruise ships. The cost of travel varies depending on the mode and the luxury.

What is God's mark on the believer?

In the old testament the mark of Gods people was circumcision. Under God's new covenant there is no physical mark. The mark of God on believers in Christ Jesus is the circumcision of the soul which is the cutting away of sin. The mark of God on the believer is the turning away from a life obsessed with self to a life following God's ways and in relationship with Him

What psychologist was most influential in shaping our understanding cognitive development?

Jean Piaget was the most influential psychologist in shaping our understanding of cognitive development. His theory of cognitive development proposed that children go through four stages of cognitive development, each characterized by different ways of thinking and understanding the world. Piaget's work continues to be highly influential in the field of developmental psychology.

What are conventional forms of political participation?

Voting, running for office, participating in the campaigns of candidates you support, and educating your friends and family about current issues. You can also speak to your representatives (town mayor, city councilman, senators and congressmen) about changes you would like to see them enact.