The numbers are 8 and 1 .
whole numbers are any positive or negative number that does not have a fraction or decimal point
1, 2, 4, 7, 14, and 28 are the numbers that match this description. Therefore, six numbers divide into it evenly.
Qualitative (quantitative are observations that can be expressed numerically)
There are no numbers that fit your description.
what is a description with numbers quantitative
Numerical or quantitative.
The numbers are 8 and 1 .
whole numbers are any positive or negative number that does not have a fraction or decimal point
When people speak of the land description they are usually referring to the deed description, or, the legal description. Generally, in recorded land systems, the legal description is in contrast to the tax assessor's description. For purposes of conveyancing, the legal description should be used. Assessor's map and plot numbers are generally not used.
1, 2, 4, 7, 14, and 28 are the numbers that match this description. Therefore, six numbers divide into it evenly.
Impossible to answer without a detailed description of all markings.
There are ten million numbers that satisfy that description !Here are 3 of them:103,752,986273,054,321963,750,246
Any of the prime numbers will fit this description
Jasper Johns, an American artist may fit this description.
Qualitative (quantitative are observations that can be expressed numerically)