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A hyphen

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Q: What CPT symbols used between two code numbers to indicate that a range is available?
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What are the symbols and numbers called that indicate the atoms in a compound?


Which of the symbols correctly relates the numbers 45 45?

The answer depends on the choice of symbols available.

What do chemical symbols indicate?

Chemical symbols indicate elements.

What is interval notation?

Interval notation uses the symbols [ and ( to indicate closed an open intervals. The symbols can be mixed so that an interval can be open on one side and close on the other. Given two real numbers, a, b we can have (a,b) which is the interval notation for all numbers between a and b not including either one. [a,b) all numbers between a and b including a, but not b. (a,b] all numbers between a and b including b, but not a. [a,b] all number between a and b including a and b.

What does the dial on a watch do?

The dial does nothing, actually. On the dial there are numbers or symbols that indicate the hour of the day in a clockwise fashion.

What do the lectern symbols represent?

The lectern symbols represent the different levels of importance or priority of the information being presented. Typically, symbols include stars, exclamation marks, arrows, or numbers to indicate the significance of the content.

What are the numbers in front of the symbols called?

The numbers in front of chemical symbols indicate the number of atoms of each element present in a molecule. These numbers are called subscripts. For example, in H2O, the subscript "2" indicates that there are two hydrogen atoms.

What is the difference between hieroglyphs and hieratic numerals?

Numerals are different Numbers as for hieroglyphs are symbols used to represent numbers.

What is Character data type in Access 2010?

The character data type in Access is Text, allowing letters, numbers, punctuation symbols and other symbols available on your keyboard to be entered.

What dot symbol is an x with a 2?

The dot between different numbers or symbols is used for multiplication.

How does the chemical formula of a compound relate to the relative number of atoms in the compound?

The chemical formula of a compound provides information about the elements present in the compound and the ratio in which they are combined. The subscripts in the chemical formula indicate the relative number of atoms of each element in a compound.

Did Egyptian hieroglyphics include symbols for numbers?

Yes, hieroglyphics included symbols for numbers.