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Q: What Conclusion for a geometry project?
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What does conclusion mean in math term?

conclusion in geometry means the answer that you and your group came up to and that is what the word conclusion means in geometry.

Conclusion for geometry in real life project?

well idk well but i did dis project too n ya....ill just tell ya wat i wrote:P I have learned variety of things through this geometry project. I learned how geometry is a huge part of our environment and how it develops our living in many ways. Also, I now have a broader understanding of geometry and its usefulness to everyday life. Starting from the history and the background of geometry, I recognized the connections between mathematics and world history. In addition, in-depth understanding of one major historical figures in the evolution of geometry. With shapes and the terms of geometry, hope it helped u

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Your conclusion is a summary of what you wrote already. Finish your project and then summarize your points in the conclusion.

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Any conclusion should be based on what has been covered in the project. As we don't know what is in the project it is impossible to say what the conclusion would be.

What is direct proof in geometry?

A direct proof in geometry is a proof where you begin with a true hypothesis and prove that a conclusion is true.

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In conclusion,plateaus are flat

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The conclusion of molecular geometry is the three-dimensional arrangement of atoms that determines a molecule's shape. By understanding the arrangement of atoms, scientists can predict a molecule's physical and chemical properties.