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Q: What Customary Unit is used to measure the width of two small fingers?
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Related questions

What is the best customary unit to measure width of a book?

the metric system

What customary unit can measure a telephone?

A customary unit that can measure a telephone is inches or centimeters, typically measuring the height, width, and depth of the device.

What unit would you use to measure the width of a small TV screen?


What is most appropriate metric unit for width of computer screen?

It is still customary to measure, in inches, a screen from corner to corner diagonally.

What Si unit would you use to measure the width of a pencil lead?

Pencil lead is very narrow. Millimeter can be used to measure it.

6.5 kilo to inches?

You can't change kilos to inches because they measure different things. Kilos measure weight and inches measure small distances/length/width

Would foot be the correct Customary Unit that is used to measure the width of a door?

After you measure the width of the door, you can use any unit of length you like to describe it. No unit is 'correct' or incorrect, but there's always one that produces the most convenient number ... the number that's easiest to write down, remember, and tell other people about. For the width of a door, I think inches would be a bit more convenient than feet.

How can you calculate an area of trapezoid on picture?

-- Measure the height.-- Measure the width at the top.-- Measure the width at the bottom.Area = (1/2) x (height) x (width-at-the-top plus width-at-the-bottom)

What are centimeters used to measure?

Centimeters are commonly used to measure small lengths and distances, such as the length of an object, width of a room, or height of a person.

How do you measure cm2?

For a rectangle, length X width = area. Measure the length in cm. Measure the width in cm. Multiply the length X the width to get the area in cm2.

What do you measure a width of a kitchen?

Tape measure....

What customary unit would be used to measure a baseball?

The answer depends on which characteristic you wish to measure: its diameter, volume, mass, weight, etc.