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Q: What Disadvantages of parallel culture?
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One advantage for parallel transmission is the speed that the data can travel at, while one disadvantage for parallel transmission is the high cost of it

What are the advantages of parallel culture?

It brings about unity, understanding

What is the disadvantage of parallel?

There are three disadvantages of parallel circuits. These include the fact that they have complex resistance, voltage that is limited, and a current that varies.

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There are three disadvantages of parallel circuits. These include the fact that they have complex resistance, voltage that is limited, and a current that varies.

Disadvantages of parallel computing?

1.costly 2.replication 3.complex

What is parallel culture?

the term parallel culture refers to a situation where everyone is forced to obey the imposed standard culture when out in public, but they develop their own parallel world in private. It's usually been applied in situations like life under communism; sort of a conform-or-die mentality (from the official point of view). Act out of line and you'll be punished. Go home, lock the door, and be who you want.