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Q: What Fonts are in the Windows 9x Screens?
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How do you move a font from Photoshop to windows?

Just add the fonts to your windows fonts folder,if they are compatible photoshop will automaticaly take it from the windows fonts folder.

Where does windows store its fonts?

Go to my computer and (double) click on the hardrive which you use (ex. C:\ or D:\) and (double) click on WINDOWS (ex. C:\WINDOWS or D:\WINDOWS) now scroll down and find a folder named fonts (ex. C:\WINDOWS\Fonts or D:\\WINDOWS\Fonts) or just copy this: :\WINDOWS\Fonts and at the start add in the letter of your hardrive. :)

Which windows operating system uses some 16 and some 32 bit processing?

Windows 9x

Which is NOT a member of the Windows 9x family?

Windows 95

What type of fonts work well on street signs computer screens and things seen from a distance?

Sans-serif fonts

What are Windows 95 Windows 98 and Windows ME collectively called?

Windows "9x"

When installing a shared printer on a windows 9x PC where the host computer is also a windows 9x PC you must first share the folder?

... a shared printer on a Windows 9x/Me PC where the host computer is also aWindows 9x/Me PC, you must first share the \Windows folder on the host PC so

Find number of fonts available in your computer?

If you are running a Windows operating system, in the Windows folder on your C:\ drive, in the Fonts folder are the fonts that are installed. If you browse to the folder in a Windows Explorer and show the Status bar (under the View menu) when you select the Fonts folder the number of fonts will appear in the status bar.

What is a better choice for networks windows 9x or Windows 2000?

Windows 2000

Which is better choice for networks Windows 9x or Windows 2000?

Windows 2000

Which is a better choice for networks Windows 9x or Windows 2000?

Windows 2000