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Euclid (of Alexandria).

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Q: What Greek scientist devoted his life to studying mathematics and developed many of the geometry rules used today?
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What are the importance of studying geometry?

Geometry- is a branch of Mathematics concerned with the study of the properties of lines, angles, surfaces and solids.(Greek "Geo" meaning "Earth" and "Metron/Metrein" meaning "to measure".

Did society accept Euclid ideas?

Those studying and using mathematics accepted Euclids work, which was a compilation of all the mathematics known at his time, and which has continued to be used as the basis of geometry taught is schools for over 2000 years.

Use geometry in a sentence?

We are studying geometry in math class.

How do you learn transformations in geometry?


What is the name for a scientist studying plants?

A scientist studying plants is called a botanist.

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Give some important of studying mathematics in everyday life?

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What did newton studying?

Isaac newton is a mathematician and a physicist, it is obvious that he has been studying mathematics and science.

A scientist studying the brain is part of the what system?

The scientist studying the brain would be part of the nervous system.

Why was Coordinate Geometry invented?

Coordinate geometry was invented to provide a way to describe geometric shapes and relationships using numerical coordinates. This system allows for precise measurements and calculations that are essential for various fields such as mathematics, physics, and engineering. It provides a powerful framework for studying geometry in a more rigorous and systematic way.

What are applications of the folium of Descartes?

The folium of Descartes is a curve with applications in mathematics and physics. It is used in studying polynomial equations and as an example of a curve in algebraic geometry. In physics, it can model certain physical phenomena involving curves and equations.

I am having trouble with maths can you give me maths tips?

Not without knowing the exact nature of the trouble you are having, and the areas of mathematics involved (arithmetic, algebra, geometry), and the level at which you are studying (primary school, secondary school, college or university).