9 in Roman numerals is written as IX.
In Roman numerals I = 1 and X = 10. The numeral IX represents 1 before 10, which is 9.
In todays modern configuration of Roman numerals: IX-XV-MCMLXVII
It is 911. IX = 9 XI = 11
109. (c = 100, ix = 9)
In today's modern usage of Roman numerals they are: (IX)DCCLIX = 9,759
9 in Roman numerals is written as IX.
In Roman numerals I = 1 and X = 10. The numeral IX represents 1 before 10, which is 9.
In todays modern configuration of Roman numerals: IX-XV-MCMLXVII
It is 911. IX = 9 XI = 11
109. (c = 100, ix = 9)
XXIIX-IX-IXImproved Answer:-In today's notation of Roman numerals it is: XXVIII-IX-IX
In today's modern conversion it is: XVIII-IX-MCMXC
In today's notation of Roman numerals: IX-IX-MCMLXXXVIII
9, 95 and 5 in ancient Roman numerals
They are: 2, 4, 9 and 7 respectively in Hindu-Arabic numerals