To find 15% of 272, you can multiply 272 by 0.15. This calculation results in 40.8. Therefore, 15% of 272 is 40.8.
Expressed as a decimal, 272/15 = 18.13 recurring (that is, 18.13333..)
It is the same as 0.15 times 272 = 41.25
Well, darling, 15 goes into 272 a total of 18 times with a remainder of 2. So, if you're dividing 272 by 15, you'll get 18 with 2 left over. Math can be a real party, can't it?
272, you do 320 * 1-.15 * * * * * The answer, as given above, would be 320 - .15 = 319.85 The correct syntax is 320*(1-.15)
Expressed as a decimal, 272/15 = 18.13 recurring (that is, 18.13333..)
It is the same as 0.15 times 272 = 41.25
Well, darling, 15 goes into 272 a total of 18 times with a remainder of 2. So, if you're dividing 272 by 15, you'll get 18 with 2 left over. Math can be a real party, can't it?
15/16*11/17 = 165/272
272, you do 320 * 1-.15 * * * * * The answer, as given above, would be 320 - .15 = 319.85 The correct syntax is 320*(1-.15)
It is: 136
It is: 272*100 = 27,200%
It is 272/999
272 pounds is equivalent to 19.43 stone.