83/1any number like 83, 56, 398432948, 3424323421824943829583495834905; can all be written over 1 because the fraction bar also means "to divide" So if you take any of these numbers above and divide it by 1 you should still get the same number that you started with!!
0.83% = 0.0083
83 = 512
83/15 Note: 83:15 is a ratio and it can also be written as 83/15
83 written in standard form?
F. I. Magee has written: 'Election '83'
83/1any number like 83, 56, 398432948, 3424323421824943829583495834905; can all be written over 1 because the fraction bar also means "to divide" So if you take any of these numbers above and divide it by 1 you should still get the same number that you started with!!
83, usually written lxxxiii
0.83% = 0.0083
83 = 512
The series of numbers 2-6-83 can be written in Roman numerals as II.VI.LXXXIII and the date 02-06-1983 can be written as II.VI.MCMLXXXIII
He has written 83 books.
FAIRBURN AND BROWNELL. has written: 'FAIRBURN & BROWNELL 16, 17, 78, 83'