7 hrs
187 minutes.
35 minutes.
About 3 hrs. 34 min. from google maps About 3 hrs. 34 min. from google maps
1 hour 36 minutes
Episode I: The Phantom Menace (133 MIN) = 2 HRS 13 MIN = 2.216 HRS Episode II: Attack of the Clones (142 MIN) = 2 HRS 22 MIN = 2.366 HRS Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (140 MIN) = 2 HRS 20 MIN = 2.333 HRS Episode IV: A New Hope (125 MIN) = 2 HRS 05 MIN = 2.083 HRS Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back (127 MIN) = 2 HRS 07 MIN = 2.116 HRS Episode VI: Return of the Jedi (135 MIN) = 2 HRS 15 MIN = 2.250 HRS Total (803 MIN) = 13 HRS 22 MIN = 13.383 HRS
The easiest way is to subtract 4 hours and add 5 minutes, getting 3 hours, 20 minutes.
3.25 is this right ?
3 hrs 9 min
18 min/1 hour = 18 min/60 min = 18/60 = 3/10
3 hrs. and 28 min.
about 3 hrs and 30 min.