The mean is the average of all numbers. Just like getting the average of your test scores.
Mathematics is not mean. It is the purest form of knowledge!
Mathematics"mathematics" is a plural noun already, the subject is Mathematics!
Algebra is a form (or subset) of mathematics.
It has the same meaning as scientific notation for instance 123,000,000 is 1.23*108 when in standard form or scientific notation
Mathematics is not mean. It is the purest form of knowledge!
Do you mean EIGHT or are you asking something else that's related to mathematics
Mathematics"mathematics" is a plural noun already, the subject is Mathematics!
Calculus is a form of mathematics developed by Isaac Newton.
Algebra is a form (or subset) of mathematics.
It has the same meaning as scientific notation for instance 123,000,000 is 1.23*108 when in standard form or scientific notation
An axis refers to the X, Y, or Z axis on a graph. "Axes" is the plural form of "Axis".
it means changing the mathematics information
The noun mathematics is a non-count noun, a singular noun with no plural form.