Converting 27/10 to mixed number:
Divide the numerator by the denominator.
The remainder will be the numerator of the fractional part.
= 27 ÷10
= 2 r7
= 2 7/10
therefore: 27/10 = 2 7/10
2 7/10 because you have to divide 27 by 10
It is: 1 and 7/27
1 and 5/27
27 over 5 as a mixed number = 52/5
27 and 3/10
2 7/10 because you have to divide 27 by 10
29 over 27 as a mixed number = 12/27
It is: 1 and 7/27
1 and 5/27
2 7/10
It is: 128/27 = 4 and 20/27
27 over 5 as a mixed number = 52/5
27/5 = 52/5
27/5 = 52/5
27/2 = 131/2
It would be a mixed number if you had 3 3/8
27 and 3/10