

What Is Three Fiths Of 200?

Updated: 9/27/2023
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Q: What Is Three Fiths Of 200?
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Assuming that you mean "fifths", the answer is three fifths.

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It is 0.12

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slaves only counted as three-fiths of a vote

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What is three fiths of 65?

It is: 3/5 of 65 = 39

Convert three fiths into a decimal?

3/5 = 0.6

What is three fourths plus four fiths?

It is 31/20 or 1.55

What is two equivalent frations for five fiths?

three thirds, four fourths

how many fiths are in six tenths?

There is no such word as "fiths".

What is equal to one fiths plus three fourths?

Assuming that one fiths is your strange way of writing one fifths, the answer is nineteen twentieths.