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Q: What Is the difference between unconditional positive regard and conditional positive regard?
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What is the difference between conditional and unconditional transfer of control?

Conditional - Imposing, depending on, or containing a condition. Unconditional - without conditions or limitations.

Differentiate between conditional and unconditional controls in qbasic?

A 'conditional' statement is a logical test while unconditional statement will cause the computer to branch.

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What is deference between will you and would you?

Would implies a conditional intent, e.g. "I would IF....", whereas will indicates direct, unconditional intent.... I think...

What is difference between in conditional love and emotional love?

Conditional love has conditions, while emotional love does not.

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If events A and B are statistically indepnedent, then the conditional probability of A, given that B has occurred is the same as the unconditional probability of A. In symbolic terms, Prob(A|B) = Prob(A).

What is the difference between conditional and unconditional?

Conditional is acquired during life. It is highly individual and specially learned. It involves Cortical or higher subcortical centers. It makes reflexes more precise and individual. It is corresponding to the conditions we live in. An unconditional reflex is inborn, the mechanism is already present and ready. It is realized from different parts of the Central Nervous System usually not involving the Cortex. It is steady and characteristic and common in a species. It serves for self-preservation (e.g. foot intake), self-development (for instance imitation or research) and as species maintained social (sexual behavior, hierarchy, territorial, relation to parent).

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What is the difference between the expressions even if and even though?

one is conditional (even IF) and one is not.

Love is supposed to be unconditional but why is it that when you fall in love with a person of different religion he or she ask you to be one of them even if you don't feel like joining them?

Love is unconditional, but the act of being "in love" isn't. You aren't "in love" with everyone you meet because it IS conditional. There is also a difference between being "in love" with someone and choosing to be with them. You might love someone with all your heart but choose not to be with them because they have something about them that you know you won't be able to work past.

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The difference between any numbers is always positive.

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positive yhe porlar