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4 inches = 1/3 of a foot

Surface area = pi*1/3*10 = 10.472 square feet rounded to 3 dp

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Q: What Is the surface area of a 4 inch diameter pipe 10 feet long?
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What will be the surface area of pipe if pipe dia is 6 inch and length is 7.5 meter?

Surface area of the pipe: diameter*pi*length but make sure that the diameter and length are both in meters or inches.

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A 36-inch diameter circle has an area of: 1,017.9 square inches.* * * * *which is 7.07 square feet.

What is the surface area of a 44 inch diameter table?

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Diameter = 20 inch => radius = 10 inches = 10/12 feet. So area = pi*(10/12)^2 = 2.1817 sq feet approx.