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The Lorentz force, in electromagnetism, is the effect of electric and magnetic forces which act on a point charge moving through electric and magnetic fields.

The Lorentz force can be found in scientific apparatus such as particle accelerators, mass spectrometers and magnetrons. More day-to-day equipment are electric motors, loudspeakers and electrical generators.

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Q: What Lorentz force and its application?
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When electric field and magnetic field are mutually perpendicular then what is the lorentz force?

In general, the Lorentz force is [ F = q(E + v x B) ].

What is lorentz field?

The Lorentz force is the combination of electric and magnetic forces acting on a charged particle in an electromagnetic field. It describes the total force experienced by a charged particle moving through an electric and magnetic field at the same time, as described by the Lorentz force law.

Is Lorentz force only experienced by moving particles?

No. The vectorial definition of Lorentz force isF = q[E + (v x B)]If a particle has no velocity, then the cross product of the velocity vector and the magnetic field vector is the null vector, but there will still be a Lorentz force if there is an electric field.For a particle not to experience Lorentz force, it must either not be electrically charged and/or not be put in an electromagnetic field with a certain velocity.

What is lorrenz force?

The Lorentz force is the force experienced by a charged particle moving in an electric and magnetic field. It is perpendicular to both the velocity of the particle and the magnetic field. The Lorentz force can cause the charged particle to curve in its path or experience a change in velocity.

How lorentz force used in loudspeakers?

In a loudspeaker, the Lorentz force is utilized to convert electrical signals into mechanical vibrations that create sound waves. When an electrical current passes through a wire in a magnetic field, the Lorentz force causes the wire to move back and forth. This movement is then transferred to a diaphragm, which pushes air molecules to create sound.

How is the magnetic force like centripetal force?

If a charged particle moves in a magnetic field then Lorentz magnetic force acting will be perpendicular to its movement and so the particle will be taken along a curved path. Lorentz force will be towards the centre of the curved path. Any force facing towards the centre of the curved path is named as centre seeking or centripetal force.

What is the birth name of Pare Lorentz?

Pare Lorentz's birth name is Leonard McTaggart Lorentz.

What is point and plane of application of force?

point of application of force is the spot where the force is being applied.

When was Max Lorentz born?

Max Lorentz was born in 1962.

When did Lorentz Eichstadt die?

Lorentz Eichstadt died in 1660.

When was Lorentz Eichstadt born?

Lorentz Eichstadt was born in 1596.

When was Lorentz Reitan born?

Lorentz Reitan was born in 1946.