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Q: What RAL is Dulux 09YR 475?
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How do you convert dulux to ral?

I asked the same question at B+Q today. Apparantly the Dulux paint centres (we have one locally in Peterborough) have a "catalogue" which gives the RAL number for each Dulux colour. These "catalogues" are not available at the DIY store. As previous answer there is an on-line service but costs $9.99 per conversion which prices it out of the market for me.

What is RAL 7004 in DULUX trade color?

The RAL color system is for powder coating. You can request your ICI/DULUX paint salesman match RAL 7000 in any of their paints. There is no direct crossover, however there is sure to be a paint color in the ICI system that is close. You might try "Night Sky" I have referenced a web site that has conversions that might help you along with a direct link to the RAL 7000 color conversion.

What is the ral number for dulux windsor blue?

Dulux's color Windsor Blue hex code is #414966. The color code is 83BB 07/202 With the above info any decent paint colorist should be able to match the color with ease across many brands of paint.

How do you convert dulux to RGB?

In Photoshop you can not convert RGB to Dulux.

Is dulux trade paint better than dulux diamond paint XL?

diamond matt is better than dulux trade matt, more hard wearing and wipable, dulux diamond matt isn't even made by dulux, they just put their name on the tin. they had to cos it was so much better than their paint.

What RAL colour is Pantone 425c?

RAL 7011 RAL 7015 RAL 7016 Near Alternatives

What is the name of the song on Dulux ad?

There are a few ads by Dulux, can you describe it. Also check related link

What is the conversion to Ral of Pantone 311 and Process Blue?

The conversion to Ral of Pantone 311 is the number RAL 6027. The Ral conversion for Process Blue is Ral 5015.

What products does the Australian based company Dulux manufacture?

Dulux is not a company, but a brand of paint. The company that produces the paint is called Akzonobel. The Dulux brand name was formerly used by the companies ICI and DuPont.

How can you convert RAL colours to dulux?

You can try but it is a paid service.

What is pantone 280c in ral?

pantone 280 ral nr