XXX is the number 30 in Roman numerals. The number 30 is represented by the Roman numeral XXX (three times X = 10).
XXX (or xxx) is also known as the English number 30.
xxx-vi-mmxiii in Roman numerals is the number 36,013.
XXX is the number 30 in Roman numerals. The number 30 is represented by the Roman numeral XXX (three times X = 10).
XXX (or xxx) is also known as the English number 30.
xxx-vi-mmxiii in Roman numerals is the number 36,013.
The number 30 is XXX in Roman numerals, as each X equals 10.
Thirty in Roman numerals is written as "XXX."
It is: 30 = XXX
Converting between Arabic and Roman Numbers is done as : roman numeral number of 30 is : XXX
XXX = 30.
Converting between Arabic and Roman Numbers we get : roman numeral of 30 is : xxx
100Improved Answer:-XXX = 30