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On Converting between Arabic and Roman Numbers ,we get :

dec in roman numerals is :


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Q: What Roman number is dec?
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There being only 7 symbols to consider (IVXLCDM), conversion is easily achieved in any number of ways. In general, numerals are formed from left to right, largest value to smallest. However, if a smaller value precedes a larger value, the smaller value is subtracted from the larger value (or is negated). This can lead to problems such as IVX. Reading left to right this would become 10 - ( 5 - 1 ) = 10 - 4 = 6. There's nothing wrong with this, but most people would accept 6 = VI, not IVX. The problem is there has never been an official standard relating to how Roman numerals are formed. Decimal 1999 could be represented as MCMXCIX or MIM or MDCCCCLXXXXVIIII or even a mixed format like MCMXCVIIII. All are intrinsically correct. However, only the first example conforms to what many would consider to be the "unofficial" standard, whereby certain combinations are no longer permitted (such as IIII, IM and VX). This standard has been incorporated into the following code. #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { char roman[11]; int decimal[10]; memset( roman, 0, 11 ); memset( decimal, 0, 10 * sizeof( int )); cout << endl; cout << "Enter a Roman number (max. 10 chars from I, V, X, L, C, D or M): "; cin.getline( roman, 11, '\n' ); strupr( roman ); // convert to uppercase for consistency // check validity, including all invalid combinations if( !strlen( roman ) ( strspn( roman, "IVXLCDM") != strlen( roman )) ( strstr( roman, "IIII" )) ( strstr( roman, "XXXX" )) ( strstr( roman, "CCCC" )) ( strstr( roman, "MMMM")) ( strstr( roman, "IL" )) ( strstr( roman, "IC" )) ( strstr( roman, "ID" )) ( strstr( roman, "IM" )) ( strstr( roman, "XD" )) ( strstr( roman, "XM" )) ( strstr( roman, "VX" )) ( strstr( roman, "VL" )) ( strstr( roman, "VC" )) ( strstr( roman, "VD" )) ( strstr( roman, "VM" )) ( strstr( roman, "LC" )) ( strstr( roman, "LD" )) ( strstr( roman, "LM" )) ( strstr( roman, "DM" )) ( strstr( roman, "IIV" )) ( strstr( roman, "IIX" )) ( strstr( roman, "XXL" )) ( strstr( roman, "XXC" )) ( strstr( roman, "CCD" )) ( strstr( roman, "CCM" ))) { cout << roman << " is not a valid roman number." << endl; return( -1 ); } // convert to decimal, in reverse order. int c = 9, total = 0; while( c >= 0 ) { switch( roman[c] ) { case('I'): decimal[c] = 1; break; case('V'): decimal[c] = 5; break; case('X'): decimal[c] = 10; break; case('L'): decimal[c] = 50; break; case('C'): decimal[c] = 100; break; case('D'): decimal[c] = 500; break; case('M'): decimal[c] = 1000; break; } if( c < 9 ) // subtraction required? if( decimal[c] < decimal[c+1] ) decimal[c] *= (-1); // negate // update total. total += decimal[c--]; } cout << "Roman " << roman << " is decimal " << total << endl; return( 0 ); }

How is Dec 1 2005 written in Roman numerals?

xii - i - mmv

What is December 27 2007 in Roman Numerals?

Dec. XXVll, MMVll

How do you create Hindu to Roman in visual basic?

Function dec2rom(dec As Integer) As String dec2rom = "" While dec >= 1000 dec2rom += "M" dec -= 1000 End While If dec >= 900 Then dec2rom += "CM" dec -= 900 End If If dec >= 500 Then dec2rom += "D" dec -= 500 End If If dec >= 400 Then dec2rom += "CD" dec -= 400 End If While dec >= 100 dec2rom += "C" dec -= 100 End While If dec >= 90 Then dec2rom += "XC" dec -= 90 End If If dec >= 50 Then dec2rom += "L" dec -= 50 End If If dec >= 40 Then dec2rom += "XL" dec -= 40 End If While dec >= 10 dec2rom += "X" dec -= 10 End While If dec >= 9 Then dec2rom += "IX" dec -= 9 End If If dec >= 5 Then dec2rom += "V" dec -= 5 End If If dec >= 4 Then dec2rom += "IV" dec -= 4 End If While dec dec2rom += "I" dec -= 1 End While End Function Sub Main() Dim year = 1999 Console.Write("The year ") Console.Write(year) Console.Write(" in Roman numerals is ") Console.Write(dec2rom(year)) Console.WriteLine() End Sub

What is Dec 23 2009 in roman numerals?

December 23, 2009 is written as XXIII.XII.MMIX in Roman numerals.

What is the code in converting numbers to roman numerals in visual basics?

Function dec2rom(dec As Integer) As String dec2rom = "" While dec >= 1000 dec2rom += "M" dec -= 1000 End While If dec >= 900 Then dec2rom += "CM" dec -= 900 End If If dec >= 500 Then dec2rom += "D" dec -= 500 End If If dec >= 400 Then dec2rom += "CD" dec -= 400 End If While dec >= 100 dec2rom += "C" dec -= 100 End While If dec >= 90 Then dec2rom += "XC" dec -= 90 End If If dec >= 50 Then dec2rom += "L" dec -= 50 End If If dec >= 40 Then dec2rom += "XL" dec -= 40 End If While dec >= 10 dec2rom += "X" dec -= 10 End While If dec >= 9 Then dec2rom += "IX" dec -= 9 End If If dec >= 5 Then dec2rom += "V" dec -= 5 End If If dec >= 4 Then dec2rom += "IV" dec -= 4 End If While dec dec2rom += "I" dec -= 1 End While End Function

What is the Roman Number for fourth December 2008?

The Romans didn't number their days the way we do. They had certain named days in a month and counted backwards from the nearest named day.The named days were related to the phases of the Moon, and were the Kalends (from where we get the word calendar) which fell on the day of the new moon, the Nones which fell on the day of the first quarter, and the Ides, which fell on the day of the full moon.Assuming that the month of December 2008 would have begun for a Roman on the 27th November, (the most recent New Moon), then the first few days would be* Nov 27 ... Kal. * Nov 28 ... ante diem VII Non. Dec. (= 7th day of the Nones of December) * Nov 29 ... ante diem VI Non. Dec. (= 6th day of the Nones of December) * Nov 30 ... ante diem V Non. Dec. (= 5th day of the Nones of December) * Dec 1 ..... ante diem IV Non. Dec. (= 4th day of the Nones of December) * Dec 2 ..... ante diem III Non. Dec. (= 3rd day of the Nones of December) * Dec 3 ..... pr. Non. Dec. (= day before the Nones of December) * Dec 4 ..... Nonae So now we have the day sorted out, let's look at the year.M was the Roman letter for 1,000, so 2000 would be MMV Was the Roman letter for 5, and III was 3So 2008 would have been MMVIIIPutting it all together, 4th December 2008 = Nonae December MMVIII

What is your sons date of birth in roman numerals if he was born on 15th dec 2005?

Xv xii mmv

What number is represented by the Roman numeral ILX?

The number that represents ILX is Fifty-nine (Aka 59).

Which emperor is credited with standardizing dec 25 as Christmas day?

The emperor that is credited with standardizing Dec. 25 as Christmas Day is Constantine in 325 A.D. Caesar Augustus was the Roman emperor when Christ was born.

Is iv Roman number 5?

Iv is 4 IV is the Roman number 4. V is the Roman number 5.