As a Roman numeral it is: (CC) which means 1000*200 = 200,000
The roman numeral for 9000 is MMMMMMMMM.
The Roman numeral for 1000 is M.
It is: (M) which means 1000*1000 = 1,000,000 which is one million
MI means: 1000+1 = 1001
As a Roman numeral it is: (CC) which means 1000*200 = 200,000
The roman numeral for 9000 is MMMMMMMMM.
The Roman numeral for 1000 is M.
It is: (M) which means 1000*1000 = 1,000,000 which is one million
MI means: 1000+1 = 1001
The Roman numeral M represents 1000. In ancient Roman use it did not always mean 1000, but it does today.
It is: (MM) which means 1000*2000 = 2,000,000
It is: (XX) which means 1000*20 = 20,000
It is: (DCCC) which means 1000*800 = 800,000
It is: (CL) which means 1000*150 = 150,000
The Roman numeral MLXXXVIII means 1000+80+8 = 1088
The Roman numeral IM means -1+1000 = 999