50*51/2 = 1275
No two prime numbers can add to 119.
There are no two prime numbers that add up to be 152.
The given numbers of 15 and 35 are not prime numbers but they add up to 50
50 and 45
50 squared = 2500 40 squared = 1600 add these two together to get 4100 so your answer is 50 and 40
Well, darling, if you want two numbers that add up to 55, you're looking for a pair of numbers that are probably best friends by now. The dynamic duo you're after is 27 and 28. They may not be Batman and Robin, but they sure know how to make a grand entrance when it comes to adding up to 55.
An odd number of odd numbers can not add up to an even number. There fore any 9 (odd) odd numbers can not add up to 50 (even).
50*51/2 = 1275
100 and 100 can add to 200 50, 50, 50, and 50 can add to 200 8 25s can add to 200 20 10s can add to 200
137 and 11 are two prime numbers that add up to 148.