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In 1738, Swiss mathematician Daniel Bernoulli made a discovery in fluid dynamics. Essentially, his theorem explains the relationship between the pressure, velocity, and elevation in a moving fluid (liquid or gas).

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Q: What a discussion of bernoulli theorem?
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What the importance of studying in theorem Bernoulli in civil engineering?

what the importance of studying in theorem Bernoulli in civil engineering

What are the applications of Bernoulli's theorem in cricket?

In cricket, Bernoulli's theorem can be applied to understand the physics of ball flight. It helps in analyzing the spin and swing of the ball, as well as the aerodynamics involved in delivering different types of balls such as in-swing, out-swing, or off-spin. Understanding Bernoulli's principle can also aid in predicting ball trajectories and optimizing bowling techniques.

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Bernoulli's theorem

What is the application of Bernoulli theorem?

The only certain application of Bernoulli's Theorem I know is in the Bernoulli's Theorem experiment in college. All other examples are in my opinion a restatement of Newtons Laws, a missinterpretation of results or a failure to fully understand what is physically happening such as in the fallacy that lift in an aerofoil is due to BT. Bernoulli's Theorem is used by the Fire Brigade to calculate velocity and range of different types of fire-fighting equipment. Going hand-in-hand with the Venturi effect, it help to calculate reach and pressure required to obtain that reach during fire-fighting operations. Example: A pump supplies 6kW of energy to the water flowing thorugh a 45mm hose. If the water flows 25m vertically and through a 25mm branch at a rate of 480l/min, use Bernoulli's equation to find pressure at the branch.

Explane burnaoli theoremand its derivation?

I believe what you are asking for is: "Explain Bernoulli's theorem. I can't help much, but it does have to do with the Law of Large Numbers.

What are the Limitations of bernoulli's theorem?

It is based on the following assumptions; (1) Steady flow (2) Incompressible flow (3) Inviscid flow (zero viscosity) (4) Flow along a streamline If a studied flow does not match these parameters, Bernoulli's theory is not applicable. (James R)

Can a sheet flow be turbulent?

No...because.., whatever maybe the velocity u pump the liquid in sheet, the velocity would be same at all points (i think bernoulli's theorem)

What are the applications of Bernoulli's theorem in science?

A common example of Bernoulli's principle is the water tank with a hole is the side. This demonstration simulates that example. A cylindrical column with two holes in its side is filled with colored water. As the water flows out of the holes it falls in a parabolic trajectory as shown in the figure below.

What is a Bernoulli variable?

A Bernoulli variable is a variable which is part of a Bernoulli process.

Who discovred the Bernoulli effect?

Swiss mathematician and physicist Daniel Bernoulli discovered what is known as the Bernoulli effect, or the Bernoulli Principle.

Who give Bernoulli equation?

It was Bernoulli.

In the Bernoulli's theorem demonstration how can you improve the accuracy of the results?

we can improve the bernoulli equation by adding the head losses at the final flow state and also we account the major (friction loss and viscus loss) losses and Minor losses (pipe bend , pipe contraction , pipe inlet and outlet, pipe fittings , valves etc)... If we account those losses and added to the head losses then the Bernoulli's equation gives the very accurate value....