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Q: What a finite size?
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Is the universe infinate?

Scientists currently believe that no, the universe is not infinite. It is of a finite size however, this finite size is constantly expanding but not expanding AWAY from anything, just expanding

What is the definition of congruent line segments?

Two line segments of the same finite size.

What is meant by the term finite?

Finite means having limits or bounds, being limited in size or extent, and having a defined or countable number of elements. In other words, something that is finite is not infinite and has a definite end point.

Is the number of asteroids over 0.5 miles?

It is a finite number.It is a finite number.It is a finite number.It is a finite number.

Do black holes have finite size?

Yes, the diameter of a black hole is finite. And the circumference, or more of just outside of the circumference, is known as the event horizon. This is the "point of no return" and once you get passed this point there is no escape.

Why does a computer have memory problems?

Computer do not have memory problems.Computer can such problems only when:Infected with virus.Improperly connected driveUser do not know how to save files.power faliure

Is every subset of a finite set is a finite?

prove that every subset of a finite set is a finite set?

Use finite in a sentence?

There are a finite number of apartments. Finite numbers may be large or small. There are a finite number of states. The number of molds in my fridge is not exactly finite.

Is star is finite or infinite?

It is finite.

What is an example sentence for the word finite?

Coal is a finite resource on Earth.The finite resources will eventually run out.

What is the difference between finite and non finite?

finite is an object , and they are also singular in nature

What is the meaning of finite population in statistics?

Finite populations mean a limited size population. Sometimes, a limited population is very large, so it may be treated as an infinite population, for statistical inferences. In statistics, the population size may not be known. The assumption of infinite or finite population is important. If a survey is being conducted in a completely random manner, the same person could be surveyed twice. The chance of this occurring diminishes as the population increases.