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It's a rectangle. (And that includes the possibility of a square).

The answer would be the same if you only said "... a parallelogram with a right angle."

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Q: What a parallelogram with four right angles?
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How many right angles are in a parallelogram?

There are no right angles in a parallelogram. A parallelogram only has right angles if it is a rectangle, in which case it has exactly four.

A parallelogram with no right angles an four congruent sides?

A parallelogram with no right angles and four congruent sides is a Rhombus.

Is a parallelogram always have 4 right angles?

A parallelogram does not have to be four right angles. A parallelogram is a four sided shape with two parallel lines.

What has 4 congruent and no right angles?

A rhombus is a parallelogram with all four sides congruent to each other with no right angles. A square is a parallelogram with four congruent sides and four right angles.

A parallel with four rigth angles?

A rectangle is a parallelogram with four right angles.

A parallelogram that has four right angles?


Is a parallelogram a quadrilateral with four right angles?


What do you call a parallelogram that has 4 right angles?

A parallelogram with four right angles is a rectangle; if the rectangle also has four equal sides, then it is known as a square.

Parallelogram with four right angles and four equal sides?

Parallelogram with four right angles and four equal sides is a square.

What type of parallelogram has 4 angles but is not a square?

every parallelogram has 4 angles. a rectangle has four right angles as does the square

A parallelogram with 4 equal sides but no right angles?

A parallelogram with four equal sides and no right angles is a rhombus.

A parallelogram with four right angles is?

Rectangle and square