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No Child Left Behind Act

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Q: What act of congress affected schools by forcing them totest for math and reading proficiency?
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Related questions

What is proficency testing?

A proficiency test tests an individuals level of understanding. A proficiency test can be done in math, reading or comprehension.

Why am I reading at this junk?

No one is forcing you - it is your choice!

What is reading proficiency?

adj having great facility (in an art, occupation, etc); skilled People skilled on reading.

What s difference between types of proficiency test?

Proficiency tests can differ in terms of the specific language skills being assessed (e.g. speaking, writing, reading, listening), the target proficiency level (e.g. beginner, intermediate, advanced), the scale used to evaluate proficiency (e.g. CEFR, ACTFL), and the purpose of the test (e.g. academic, professional, general purpose).

What did the gag rule do in congress?

to prevent the reading of antislavery petitions in Congress. :)

What happens in Oklahoma when you fail your 8th grade Reading proficiency test?

you take it again. and keep taking it until you pass

Is train travel from Leeds to Reading affected by the floods?

No, it isn't.

How much did the reading and writing lessons accomplish?

The reading and writing lessons were successful in improving the students' literacy skills, increasing their proficiency in comprehension and composition. Additionally, the lessons helped to enhance their communication abilities and critical thinking skills.

How many words per minute should a seventh grade boy be reading?

A seventh-grade boy should ideally be reading around 150 words per minute to be considered at grade level proficiency. It's important to keep in mind that reading speed can vary among individuals.

What is the literacy rate of Latvia?

The literacy rate of Latvia is estimated to be around 99.9%, indicating a high level of education and proficiency in reading and writing among its population.

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What are 5 macro skills of English language?

The five macro skills of the English language are reading, writing, speaking, listening, and comprehension. These skills encompass the ability to understand and communicate effectively in English through various modes. Developing proficiency in all these skills is important for overall language proficiency.