The arithmetic logic unit or ALU performs arithmetic, logic, and integer operations. ALU was created by mathematician John von Neumann in 1945.
The ALU (Arithmetic/Logic Unit)
the arithmetic logic unit
The Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) is the heart of a CPU. This is what allows the computer to add, subtract, and to perform basic logical operations.
In computing, an arithmetic logic unit ( ALU) is a digital circuit that performs arithmetic and logical operations.
The arithmentic logic unit (ALU) and the control unit are located inside the central processing unit (CPU).
The control unit coordinates all activities of a CPU. The other parts of a CPU are arithmetic logic unit and memory.
Arithmetic logic unit
The Arithmetic Logic Unit as suggested by the name carries out the arithmetic calculations of the computer.
The ALU performs arithmetic and logic operations. ALU stands for Arithmetic Logic Unit.
arithmetic logic unit
The "arithmetic logic unit" performs these operations in classical standard microprocessor architectures
That's done by the ALU (arithmetic and logic unit).
There is a special part of the CPU that performs Arithmetic and Logical calculations. Its called Arithmetic Logic Unit ( ALU ).
The arithmetic and logic unit (ALU) within the computer's central processing unit (CPU) carries out arithmetic operations. Some designs also support a dedicated floating-point processing unit (FPU), which carries out arithmetic, trigonometric and logic operations based on floating-point variable types.
The central processing unit (CPU) consists of two main parts: the control unit and the arithmetic logic unit. The control unit coordinates the activities of the CPU by directing the flow of data and instructions. The arithmetic logic unit performs mathematical calculations and logical operations.
Arithmetic logic and control unit