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Q: What advances did the Maya make in math and religion?
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What advances did Maya achieve in record keeping?

The Maya developed a mathematical system based on the number 20 and they were the first people to use zero. By using their math system, the Maya made great advances in Astronomy. The Maya also produced a very accurate calendar system.

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What advances did the Maya achieve in record keeping?

The Maya developed a mathematical system based on the number 20 and they were the first people to use zero. By using their math system, the Maya made great advances in astronomy. The Maya also produced a very accurate calendar system.

How were the Maya religion and government connected?

AnswerThe ancients saw evidence of the divine in the perfection of mathematics. Pythagorus, one of the early grat Greek philosophers, is best known today for his pioneering work in mathematics, but he also led a religious Mystery cult that had disciples all around the Mediterranean.

What advances did the egyptians make in math and sciences?

for math they made fractions and the number system based on ten........ and im still trying to figure out science sry

What math concept did the Maya develop?


Did the sumerians make advances in math and science?

The Sumerians based their numbering system on 60 and that resolved into a big achievement in Sumerian society.

How does mathematics help Maya Lin as an architect?

Maya Lin used the strong power of math and built architect. Maya Lin was a student of wisdom and love. She loved a Korean man named Danny Kim, but he did not love Maya back so Maya almost suicided, but she decided to go onto the path of math and architect.

What has the author Maslov written?

Maslov. has written: 'Idempotent Analysis/Advances in Soviet Math 1051 8037 (Advances in Soviet Mathematics,)'

What does math have to do with nurusing?

You have to understand the latest research papers and how they apply to advances in nursing, and for that you have to understand statistics in order for the numbers in the research paper to make any sense

What advances were made in the math and science during the renaissance?

The invention of the printing press

Why is it that when you do the Mormon math it does not add up?

There is no such thing as 'Mormon math'. Mormonism is a religion, and there is no math involved.