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Q: What advantages does numerical order have?
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numerical order

Is numerical order least to greatest?

Yes, numerical order is from least to greatest for example 1,2,3,4...

The middle value when the data are arranged in numerical order?

Middle value when the data are arranged in numerical order is the median.

Is the middle number of a set of data when the numbers are arranged in numerical order?

it is a numerical arranged order im a high school teacher

What are the advantages of numerical filing systems?

Numerical filing is best for filing large numbers of records.It allows the files of patients with the same or similar names to be distinguished more easily.The numerical system provides greater security because reference to a patient's name is avoided

What is the data organized in ascending or descending order?

Numerical order.

Data arranged in ascending or descending order?

numerical order

Data organized in ascending and descending order?

Numerical order

Advantages of using Microsoft Excel?

it helps you to manipulate numerical data with formulas and built-in functions

Is numerical order from least to greatest?


Advantages and disadvantages of direct numerical controls?

Some advantages to direct numerical controls includes that it improves the available memory and it stores the data elsewhere but can send it directly to the machine. A disadvantage includes the possibility of hackers getting to the data since it is stored somewhere else.

What does numerical order mean?

A numerical order is a sequence starting at one and having an increment of one. example :- one, two, three and so on.