150,000,000 is NOT one hundred AND fifty million, but it is one hundred fifty million. You DO NOT use the AND unless there is a decimal point.
One hundred million
(Jaleb) One Million One Hundred.
one percent of one hundred million = 1 million 0.01% * 100000000 = 1000000
One hundred million one hundred nineteen thousand in numbers is 100,119,000
one hundred million and one, one hundred million and two,one hundred million and three,one hundred million and four,one hundred million and five,one hundred million and six,one hundred million and seven..............
One hundred times one million is equal to ten billion. This can be calculated by multiplying 100 by 1,000,000. In scientific notation, this can be written as 100 x 10^6 = 10 x 10^9 = 10^10.
There are 0.01 hundred million in a million. Just like there is 0.01 hundred in one.
One million, five hundred million? If you mean five hundred and one million, that would be 501,000,000
One hundred million. 100,000,000
One hundred thousand is not a million.
150,000,000 is NOT one hundred AND fifty million, but it is one hundred fifty million. You DO NOT use the AND unless there is a decimal point.
One hundred million
No, a billion is one thousand million. There is no short form of one hundred million.
(Jaleb) One Million One Hundred.
Oh, what a lovely number! 1,300,000 is said as "one million three hundred thousand." Just imagine all the happy little zeros dancing together in harmony, creating such a beautiful number. Keep practicing, and soon you'll be saying big numbers with ease!
One hundred = 102 One thousand = 103 One million = 106 One million is a multiple of one hundred and one thousand.