If you were born today, in 1974, you would be, 36.
If you were born in 1974, you would have turned 35 in 2009.
Julius Evola died on June 11, 1974 at the age of 76.
Depends on the date of there birth. On the day I answer the question which is April 23 2009 anyone born between Jan 1 1974 and April 22 1974 would be 35, if they were born on April 23 1974 today is there 35th Birthday and for those born after April 23 1974 they would be 34 until there coming birthday.
she was born in 1974, so 36 as of now, shes old school
Dale Jr. was born on October 10, 1974.
Mary Cartwright died on April 3, 1998 at the age of 97.
she is 35years old she was born in septmber,1974
According to Who2 Biography, the rapper Nelly was born on November 2, 1974.
Misha Collins is 39 years old and was born on August 20th 1974
He was born June 26, 1974, so he is 37 years old.
Giovanni D'Anzi was born on January 1, 1906.
Peter Revson was born on February 27, 1939.
Freddy Krueger was 32 years old when he died. He was born in 1942 and then killed in 1974.