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It depends on which state you live in. Each state has different rules. I live in Maryland and the age is 12 years old.

It is also up to the child on which parent the child desires to live with. The child is allow to choose at age 12 in maryland.

Do some research online and check out the age your child has authority in your state.

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Q: What age can your son refuse to stop seeing his father?
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well its rae rae Jonas here with your should probably be 13 before you make any decisions(:thank you for your questions.

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no, because you are of legal age. no, because you are of legal age.

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nope. if the father is indeed the biological father then he has rights that can not be taken away unless he willingly gives it up by sighning off his rights or it is cort ordered. but in no way can the mother of a child regardless of the age of the child keep the father from seeing his son/and of daughter.

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