If you were born in 1984, your age is 38 years now
A person born in 1984 will become 28 some time in 2012, but my age does not depend on when you were born.
The Year would be 2000. 1984+10=1994+6=2000. Simple
If you were born in 1984 you would turn 13 in 1997.
Current Age = Current Year - Year of Birth, if the person has had a birthday in the current year and one year less than that if not.
Khloé Kardashian was born June 27, 1984 (1984-06-27) (age 25)
If you were born in 1984, your age is 38 years now
A person born in 1984 will become 28 some time in 2012, but my age does not depend on when you were born.
She is 26 (born 9 November 1984)
17th January 1984 (age 31)
Gurmeet is born on February 22, 1984 (1984-02-22) (age 26).
Born on the 4th of May 1984 she is currently 28
born November 12, 1984 currently 24
The age of Melody Thornton is 26 years old an she was born on September 28, 1984.
It would depend on the year you were born. Subtract your birth year from 1984 to find your age when you graduated in 1984.
The Year would be 2000. 1984+10=1994+6=2000. Simple