15 or 16 depending on your birthday
2012 - 1995: If you were born from Jan 1 to Aug 22, 1995, you are 17 years old now. If you were born from Aug 23 to Dec 31, 1995, you are 16 years old now.
If you were born in 1995, you would need to be 16 to get your permit. The year would have to be 2011.
My age would be 45years.
If I were born 1985 what age I would be now
15 or 16 depending on your birthday
Age is relative to the current time. The general equations is:Today - B-day= current age:when it comes to years:2013-1995 = current age2013-1995= 18 years old.
13. I can't believe you don't know your age...
On December 25 2010, you will be fifteen years of age.
Usually 17 for a learners permit - that would be in the year 2011 for someone born in 1994.
=Your age is depended on when you were born if you are born in 2000 you would be 9 years old right now.=In my case many people i know where born in 1995. thus making them 13 years old.
=Your age is depended on when you were born if you are born in 2000 you would be 9 years old right now.=In my case many people i know where born in 1995. thus making them 13 years old.
2008-13= 1995
2012 - 1995: If you were born from Jan 1 to Aug 22, 1995, you are 17 years old now. If you were born from Aug 23 to Dec 31, 1995, you are 16 years old now.
If you were born in 1995, you would need to be 16 to get your permit. The year would have to be 2011.