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Q: What aids it's gas exchange with its large surface area?
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What provides a large surface area for gas exchange?

Your lungs provide a very large surface area for gas exchange.

How have cells from the windpipe adapted to do their job?

they have a large surface area, a good blood supply close by, thin walls (often only 2 cells thick) and are moist. This all aids in effective gas exchange.

Where in the lungs does gas exchange happen?

AlveoliGaseous exchange takes place in the alveoli of the lung

How does your body adopt surface area to volume ratio to help exchange gases-?

The skin surface is not large enough for big creatures such as humans; therefore we have structures in our lungs that greatly increase the surface area.

Explain why large active organisms need special surface for exchange?

Large active organisms need specialized exchange surfaces because their size requires a high surface area to volume ratio in order to efficiently exchange gases, nutrients, and waste products with their environment. Without these specialized surfaces, the transport of essential substances would be limited by diffusion and could not meet the demands of the organism's high metabolic rate.

What organ does oxygen pass from into the capillaries?

I believe its the alveoli in the lungs. These alveoli provide a large surface area for gaseous exchange.

How do two capillary networks function in the fish circulatory system?

provides a large surface area for exchange in oxygen and gas?

What features of the alveoli mean that gas exchange is more efficient?

They Have A large surface area and they are full of red blood cells

Why is there large surface area for the alveoli?

The large surface area of the alveoli allows for efficient gas exchange to occur between the air in the lungs and the blood in the capillaries surrounding the alveoli. This maximizes the amount of oxygen that can be absorbed by the blood and the amount of carbon dioxide that can be released from the blood into the lungs.

How can capillaries allow gas exchange?

Capillaries have thin walls that allow for diffusion of gases such as oxygen and carbon dioxide between the blood in the capillary and surrounding tissues. The close proximity of capillaries to cells ensures efficient exchange of gases due to a short diffusion distance. Additionally, the high surface area of capillaries facilitates a large area for gas exchange to occur.

Why must all respiratory system have a large surface area over which air can pass?

You have barile? Lungs have hierarchical structure which minimizes volume but maximises surface area Aveoli are the smallest units of structure and are the site of gaseous exchange: - They are circular = max surface area for min volume - Their most surfaces faciliate the exchange of gases - They have extensive blood supply which also faciliate the exchange

Why is it an advantage to have lungs with many smaller air sacs instead of fhavinf just two large air sacs?

The more little sacs you have, the more surface area there is - and more surface area means more spots for oxygen to enter the blood system.