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Hi It's a bit of a philosophical question I think, but the only alternative to violence that I can possibly think of is negotiation. You can fight or you can talk or you can even do both at the same time, which is basically what has been happening between Israel and Palestine for, oh, about 2000 years. But the only other alternative I can think of is to do nothing. Which is what the British did in Northern Ireland for many years until they finally sent in troops to stop the population killing itself, and it is not much of an alternative. Phil I really like the answer above. I find communication with some wit and charm can work wonders, but just don't turn your back! I go by "never underestimate your enemy" be it country on country, or personally and to learn all you can about your enemy because it always gives you an edge. I've learned that looking down and fighting is better that looking up and fighting. We all should try to communicate first and if that doesn't work then learn about your enemy and do what you have to do. Sometimes we have to make a stand, and if the problem isn't worth the energy then we usually have a chance to walk away. If you don't have the chance to walk away then stand fast and do the best you can. Other than that there isn't much you can do about violence, but to protect yourself anyway you can.

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