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An example of using measures of central tendency is in using mean; an example is using rating system to score a person. Also in median, which is used in subjects such as economics.

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Q: What an example of the uses of the measures of central tendency in everyday life?
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What are the benefits of measures of central tendency Explain with an example?

"What are the benefits of measures of central tendency? Explain with an example

What are the three measures of central tendency?

The mean and median are two measures of central tendency. In introductory statistics many schools include the mode as another example of central tendency but the mode could well be at the end of a distribution.

What graph can the measures of central tendency not be found?

A categoric chart - pie or bar. For example, answers to what is your favourite fruit?

What are averages measures of central tendency?

The arithmetic mean, geometric mean and the harmonic mean are three example of averages.

What is the purpose of central tendency measures?

It is a measure of the middle or central value of a variable of interest. There are different measures of central tendency and their purposes are not exactly the same. However, the basic principle is that the observed values of the variable are more likely to be near the central tendency value than far from them. Some central tendency values cannot ever be observed. A normal number cube, for example, has a mean value of 3.5 but you cannot possibly throw a 3.5!

What are the benefit of measures of central tendency?

Central TendencyIn central tendency the large group of data is grouped into a single value for effective business decision making.Three common measures of central tendency are the mean, median and the mode. They are measures in that they tell how how far any given value is from the center of a set of data. For example, the mean is commonly known as the average. Lets say you have the test scores, 25%, 50% , 75% and 100% You wonder how your 50% is compared to the mean? Since the mean is 62.5, you performed "below average." So that measure of central tendency measured how far you were from average. The others do the same thing.

What are the benefits of measures of central tendency?

Central TendencyIn central tendency the large group of data is grouped into a single value for effective business decision making.Three common measures of central tendency are the mean, median and the mode. They are measures in that they tell how how far any given value is from the center of a set of data. For example, the mean is commonly known as the average. Lets say you have the test scores, 25%, 50% , 75% and 100% You wonder how your 50% is compared to the mean? Since the mean is 62.5, you performed "below average." So that measure of central tendency measured how far you were from average. The others do the same thing.

What is the purpose of central tendency?

It is a measure of the middle or central value of a variable of interest. There are different measures of central tendency and their purposes are not exactly the same. However, the basic principle is that the observed values of the variable are more likely to be near the central tendency value than far from them. Some central tendency values cannot ever be observed. A normal number cube, for example, has a mean value of 3.5 but you cannot possibly throw a 3.5!

Measure of central tendency are measure?

3 common Measure of central tendency are the mean, median and the mode. They are measures in that they tell how how far any given value is from the center of a set of data. For example, the mean is commonly known as the average. Lets say you have the test scores, 25%, 50% , 75% and 100% You wonder how your 50% is compared to the mean? Since the mean is 62.5, you performed "below average." So that measure of central tendency measured how far you were from average. The others do the same thing.

What is an example of a central tendency?

i dont kno da answer haha

Which measure of central tendency is used when data is not numerical?

When the data are not numerical but can be ordered , the median may be used as a measure of central tendency. Put the data in order and choose the middle value. For example, low, medium,medium,low, high etc.

What is the best measure of central tendency?

There is no universal best. The mode is sometimes mentioned as a measure of central tendency but it is not really one. For example, if studying rolls of a die, the mode has nothing whatsoever to do with central tendency. However, it is the only summary measure that makes sense when the observed variable is nominal or categoric. For example, if the data are about the colours of cars, the mean or median colour makes no sense. The mean and median have advantages over the other in different circumstances. The Central Limit Theorem and Normal approximation favour the mean but the unrestricted mean is vulnerable to outliers.