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This is known as the vantage point.

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Q: What angle from which the viewers sees an object?
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What are azimuth and altitude use to describe?

Azimuth is the angle, typically using true north as zero degrees to an object from viewers location. An altitude (if expressed as an elevation angle from the viewer) provides a line of sight to an object in space. If you were standing at a point and facing true north and there was an airplane flying at 20,000 ft and you knew the elevation angle you could compute the range and have an (X,Y,Z) location for the object.

What is the difference between angle of Elevation and angle of Depression?

Angle of elevation is looking upwards to an object and angle of depression is looking downwards to an object

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it picks up the heat from an object

What are azimuth and altitude to describe?

Azimuth is the angle, typically using true north as zero degrees to an object from viewers location. An altitude (if expressed as an elevation angle from the viewer) provides a line of sight to an object in space. If you were standing at a point and facing true north and there was an airplane flying at 20,000 ft and you knew the elevation angle you could compute the range and have an (X,Y,Z) location for the object.

What is a name for a 80 degree angle?

An acute angle.

What are viewers?

Viewers is a term used to describe people who watch or look at something. It can also refer to the tool used to view the object.

What is true of the angle of light rays coming into an object and the angle of light rays reclected off an object?

The angle of light rays coming into an object is equal to the angle of light rays reflected off the object, following the law of reflection. This means that the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection.

What is true of the angle of light rays coming into an object and angle of light-rays reflected off an object?

The angle of light rays coming into an object is equal to the angle of light rays reflected off the object according to the law of reflection. This means that the angle of incidence is always equal to the angle of reflection.

Why the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection?

Because light alway bounces of an object at the same angle that it hit the object

What kind of angle is 160 degrees?

Any angle between 90 and 180 degrees is an obtuse angle. Therefore: 160 degrees is an obtuse angle.

What is an 175 degree angle?

Obtuse Angle That would be an obtuse angle as the degrees are over 90, but less than 180.

Does angle fart?

No. An angle is a geometric object. It is not capable of farting.