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Q: What angle goes the farthest in launching a catapult?
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Does the angle of a catapult affect the distance of a ball?

Hello: * Yes, the angle of a catapult does affect the distance. And this applies to both changing the angle of the catapult and changing the angle of the terrain under the catapult. If you shoot the catapult at say 45 degrees, you have very good distance. If you shoot it at 30 degrees, while it may be further, it would be lower to the ground and perhaps not travel as far hitting trees and running into wind-shear. If you shoot at say 80 degrees, while the lob goes high up in the air, it won't travel very far. So your best bet, for maximum distance, is to take your catapult to the highest possible altitude, aim for 45 degrees, taking into account the wind direction and speed, and lob away. Don't hit anyone. :) Answer Actually, the maximum distance that can be achieved from a catapult is at an angle of 45 degrees. Every degree increase from 0 up to 45 approaches the maximum distance that something can be thrown. Every degree from 45 to 90 decreases the distance.

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How far does the Wyvern catapult goes?

As long as your small Pin which would be 1 inch

How does the angle affect how far a rocket goes?

The angle at which a rocket is launched affects how far it will go because it determines the balance between vertical and horizontal velocity components. An optimal angle allows the rocket to reach the furthest distance before gravity causes it to descend. Launching too steep or too shallow can cause the rocket to travel a shorter distance.

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A reflex angle

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West Virginia.

What is piloted spaceflight?

It is where a person goes up in a spaceship and flies it instead of just launching a probe

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Lake superior, Huron and Ontario are the 3 farthest north but Superior goes the furthest north.

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A reflex angle