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Q: What angle has eight letters in it?
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A cannon witha short barrel and a steep angle of fire?

if it is eight letters then I think it is howitzer

How many states have eight letters?

There are four states in the United States with eight letters: Maryland, Louisiana, Wisconsin, and Minnesota.

What is represented by capital letters angle or side?

Angles are represented by capital letters. Small letters refer to sides.

What words have 8 letters?

A word that has eight letters is pictures

What letters of the alphabet have a right angle and an acute angle?

If you are asking what letters have BOTH types of angles in the same letter, the answer is: only KThese letters have acute angles:Upper case letters: A K M N V W X Y ZLower case letters: k v w x y zThese letters have right angles:E F H I K L T and f t

What eight letter word can be made from the letters h u b r i s e?

Seven letters - not eight letters listed in question Bushier

What is seven letters word that if you take away two letters it becomes an eight letters word?

Weights- take away the 'w' and 's' and you get 'eight'- weights

What continent has 8 letters?

No continent has eight letters. The closest is Australia with nine letters.

What word has eight letters the first and last letters are the same and no other letters are repeated?


What coast has eight letters?


What eight letter word can be made from these letters naloeyianrgt?

Eight letter word using the letters, naloeyianrgt: yearning. gyration. learning.

What number has eight letters?

Thirteen, fourteen and nineteen.