

Best Answer

A rhombus or a trapeze, one of them. I always get them mixed up

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Q: What angle has four equal sides with two acute angles and two obtuse angle?
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Which triangle has 1 acute angle and 1 obtuse angle?

It is an obtuse triangle having 1 obtuse angle and 2 different acute angles Or it is an isosceles triangle having 1 obtuse angle and 2 equal acute angles

Can a triangle have 1 obtuse angle and 2 acute angles?

A triangle can have one obtuse angle and two acute angles. The sum of all three angles must equal 180 degrees.

What type of angles are in an Isosceles triangle?

There are two equal acute angles. The third angle can be acute, right or obtuse.

Is a isosceles an acute?

If it has 2 equal acute angles and 1 obtuse angle then it is an isosceles triangle.

What type of angle are formed when an obtuse angle is bisected?

two equal acute angles are formed.

What is formed when a acute or obtuse angle are bisected?

Two equal angles are formed.

Has an isosceles triangle have an obtuse angle?

Not necessarily. The two equal angles in an isosceles triangle must both be acute angles. If they were right angles or obtuse angles then a triangle could not be formed. If the two equal angles are less than 45° each then the third angle is an obtuse angle. If they are both 45° then the third angle is a right angle and if they are both greater than 45° then the third angle is an acute angle.

What has one obtuse angle and two acute angles?

If the 2 acute angles are equal then it is an isosceles triangle otherwise it is a scalene triangle.

Is an obtuse triangle can be isoscelens?

Only when it has 1 obtuse angle and 2 equal acute angles can it be an isosceles triangle.

What is a figure with 2 acute and obtuse angle?

A rhombus for example has 2 equal acute and 2 equal obtuse interior angles that add up to 360 degrees

Does a parallelogram have a acute angle?

A parallelogram has 2 equal opposite acute angles and 2 equal opposite obtuse angles with its 4 angles adding up to 360 degrees

Is a acute triangle isosceles?

Only when it has 2 equal acute angles and 1 obtuse angle that it is an isosceles triangle