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They are equal

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Q: What angles opposite each other at intersecting lines?
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Related questions

What is angles formed by two intersecting lines that are opposite of each other?

A pair of opposite equal angles are formed when two lines intersect each other.

What is it called when 2 angles are opposite each other in intersecting lines?

perpendicular lines no dur

What are formed by two intersecting lines and are opposite each other?

They are called vertical angles

What angle is formed by innersecting lines?

Intersecting lines form two sets of angles. The angles opposite each other are always equal.

What are Two angles that are formed by intersecting lines that have the same vertex and are opposite each other?

less than and right angles

What does the word vertical and opposite angles mean?

vertical angles are when you have an "x" made by intersecting lines and the angles in it are vertical angles. Opposite angles are when you have the x, the angles are on directly opposite sides. --->x<--- those are opposite of each other. therefore they are opposite angles. the arrows are pointing at them

What are all the pairs of vertical angles?

Given two intersecting lines, the two angles opposite each other have the same measure and are congruent.

What are intersecting angles?

Intersecting lines are lines that meet at a point. In other words lines that cross each other (like an X).

How are perpendicular lines and intersecting lines alike and different?

they both have lines crossing each other which make angles. perpendicular lines make right angles while intersecting lines make other kinds

What is the vertical angle theorem?

Given two intersecting lines, the two angles opposite each other have the same measure and are congruent.

What is the difference between a perpendicular lines and intersecting lines?

Intersecting cross each other whereas perpendicular lines cross at right angles.

What are opposite angles?

Opposite angles are angles across from each other in intersecting lines. For example, see the figure below:a-> X