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Q: What animal is able to turn its head 360 degrees to see around?
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Which animal turns its head around?

An owl can, but not a full 360 degrees.

Can owls can see from the back of there heads?

No, but they are the only animal which can turn it's head around 270 degrees, making them able to look behind themselves without moving their body.

Why can a boa constrictor swallow an animal much larger then its head?

The boa is able to dislocate/unhinge its jaw to get it around an animal that would appear to be bigger than its head when the jaw is connected. Once it does that, it can stretch its mouth around the animal and start pulling it in for digestion.

How does having a head help an animal?

well the eyes are on the head making it able to see, it's nose is also on the head which helps the animal to smell, it's ears are on its head to help it to hear, and last but not least, the mouth which helps the animal to communicate with others of its kind and eat. hope this helps! : )

What animal can wrap its tongue around its head twice?

I think a giraffe can

What bird can turn its whole head around?

Not any bird can rotate their head to 180 degrees but one animal can and it is called a owl. The owl can rotate it's head all the way around it is said to look for their prey or watch out for any predators.

How can owls twist their heads all the way around?

Community Answer 1An owl can turn its head between 180 and maybe 270 degrees.______________________________________________Community Answer 2They cannot turn their heads 360 degrees. It just looks like they can because an owl can turn its head really far one direction, then snap its head around to the other direction faster than the human eye can follow.______________________________________________Community Answer 3An owl can turn it's head (and neck and backbone) about 270 degrees.______________________________________________Community Answer 4An owl is able to rotate its head 270 degrees in both directions. They rotate their heads because their large eyes are not able to move, and are fixed in their sockets.______________________________________________Community Answer 5Owls can rotate their heads 270 degrees, much more than half way around.

Which animal can turn its head around completely and thus can see backward too?

The answer for this question: Goats (and most other animals with hooves) have horizontal slits which are nearly rectangular when dilated. This gives goats vision covering 320 - 340 degrees; this means they can see virtually all around them without having to move (humans have vision covering 160 - 210 degrees).

What Does The idiom 180 Degrees Mean?

To turn completely around and head back in the direction you came from.

How do you get a mow hawk in animal crossing wild world?

it's a head piece item from the able sister's shop

What animal runs around a cobra Snake to make it dizzy and then bites its head off?

the rat

How do you get the anemone head bow on animal jam?

They were monthly gifts around the time that oceans first came out. The only way you'll be able to get one now is from trading, which isn't to hard to do after you've found someone who has one.