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animal that moves a speed as 0.000362005?

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Q: What animal moves at the speed of 000362005?
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What is the slowest land animal on Earth and what speed does it move?

The slowest land animal is the sloth, which moves at a top speed of about 0.03 miles per hour (0.05 km/h). Sloths are known for their incredibly slow movement and spend most of their time hanging upside down in trees.

Animal with a speed of 000362005mph?

The speed mentioned, "000362005mph," seems unusually high and out of the ordinary for any known animal. It may be a typographical error or a made-up value. In comparison, the fastest land animal, the cheetah, can reach speeds of up to 70 mph, and the fastest bird, the peregrine falcon, can dive at speeds exceeding 200 mph.

What does the phrase the speed of light mee?

It means the speed at which light moves. While it may seem that light advances instantaneously, in fact it does not - it moves at a speed of 300,000 kilometers per second. That's the speed in a vacuum; in other substances, it moves slower. For example, in glass or water it moves at about 2/3 of the speed it has in a vacuum.

What is the definition of air speed?

The speed that an object moves through the air.

What happens to the speed of light as it moves from water into air?

The speed increases.

What is linear speed called when something moves in a circle?

The linear speed of an object moving in a circle is called tangential speed. It represents how fast a point on the object's edge is moving along the circumference of the circle.

Is speed and distance the same thing?

No, distance and speed are two separate measurements. Distance is how far an object moves relative to speed and time, and speed is how fast an object moves relative to time and distance.

What would happen if we turn on the lamps of a vehicle that moves at a speed of light?

Chuck Norris would break you down. Nothing moves at his speed.

What is the average speed of energy?

There is no single answer. Electromagnetic energy moves at the speed of light, about 300,000 km/sec. Acoustic energy moves at the speed of sound in whatever medium you are using. Kinetic energy moves with the speed of the moving body. Thermal energy moves through a conducting body at various speeds, depending on how well the material conducts heat. So energy as a general term does not have a specific speed.

What happens to the mass of a particle as the particle approacches the speed of light?

When any object with mass moves, no matter at what speed, its mass increases. The faster it moves, the faster its mass increases. And the closer to the speed of light it moves, the closer to infinity its mass grows.

When does speed occur?

Speed occurs when a body moves with respect to some frame of reference.

An animal that moves in a herds looking for food is is called a?

It depends on the type of animal.